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this is your permission slip to become your most authentic self.


human design is system that weaves together ancient wisdom + modern science. 


this system gives you a blueprint to your energetic codes for fulfillment + success. 


every single person I’ve read for [hundreds of people at this time] has told me how liberated they feel by learning this HD.


it gives you licensing to be yourself. 


it isn’t a learning process, but an unlearning process. 


this is a remembrance of who you are at your truest essence. 


i tell everyone, when you’re 30+ you’ve already started to unlearn from what society has told you. HD will reaffirm all of the ways that you operate with the most ease + flow. 


when you’re 30< you are still in the unlearning process. the earlier you learn this, the earlier you can live in ease + flow. 


HD is a system that empowers you, it doesn’t limit you. 


learning your design is like having a user manual to refer back to when you notice you’ve gotten out of alignment. it gently guides you back to your truth.


this system is not only powerful, it’s tangible. it can be applied to so many areas that it’s constantly over delivering in value. 


here are some ways it can be applied:


+ understanding yourself


you will learn how you operate best in all areas of life. you find out your gifts, abilities & natural talents. you learn your souls purpose. you understand why you feel the way you do and where your doubts come from. you learn signposts to keep you on track with your purpose. 


+ making decisions


we are taught to make decisions from our mind. HD teaches us this is 100% wrong. this is why so many people struggle with decision making because it doesn’t honor the persons design. when you learn how you’re meant to make decisions, your entire life changes.


+ structuring your organization


we aren’t all designed to work the same. some of us have the energy to work from inception to finish. some don’t have consistent flows of energy, but have mental brilliance. when you know how the types work, you can place people in roles that they are naturally talented at so the excel.


+ raising your child 


it allows you to learn how to parent your child towards their unique gifts + abilities. this causes less resistance + more ease in parenting. plus, your child won’t have to go through as much of an unlearning process when they’re older. that means more fulfillment + success.


book your reading now to unlock your superpowers. 


pick which option speaks to your soul. 


Understanding your human design will:


+ unlock your blueprint to create success

+ become a magnetic for your manifestations

+ make decisions with ease that feel expansive

+ unleash the magic of your personal power 

+ remove your limitations to make your life limitless

You can use human design to:

+ understand your purpose
+ know your consistent flows of energy
+ learn the gifts you came into this life with

+ find fulfillment in your work

+ structure your organization

+ parent your child

+ know yourself at a deeper level

While I no longer do individual human design readings - I teach my private clients how to learn their human design. Sign up for mentorship to learn all about your energetic codes. 


I also have three programs HD programs:




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