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5 things I'm doing to have a successful year

5 things I’m doing for my mind, body and soul to become my happiest, healthiest & wealthiest self this month.

1. DOING A LIFE EDIT; I’ve created new rules for my life this year, I’ve reflected & released anything that wasn’t serving me from 2023. I’ve made a clear game plan for 2024 to become my happiest, healthiest & wealthiest year ever. I’ll be walking my students through this process in my membership; AOM U on 1.11.24.

2. ADDED A FITNESS ROUTINE; I’ve committed to working out for at least 30 minutes everyday. I used to be a HIIT girl all the way, but lately I’ve fallen in love with a good yoga, Pilates then meditation practice. Heavy focus on my abs & booty. Being on my mat brings me mental & physical peace. It brings me back to the present moment.

3. LIMITING SCREEN TIME; I am cutting down majorly on screen time this month & this year. Limiting the time that I’m on my phone to be when I’m creating, posting or engaging. Spending less time watching TV too. More time living. I want to fall back madly in love with life this year through experiences & adventure.

4. SIMPLIFYING BUSINESS MODEL; I’m focusing on selling & serving in my two memberships. My manifestation one - AOM U and now my business one - ENTREPRENEUR, just launched. It’s to help women in business launch, grow & build their digital empires. I’ve fallen in love with the simplicity of serving a community in two main areas & then hyper focusing on subjects that will help them expand in those areas. Join ENTREPRENEUR use code: CEO to save $20 off your first month.

5. CUTTING OUT SUGAR; the holidays are over so no more excuses. I normally have a very balanced diet, but these last two months I let myself indulge. I ate a lot of cheesecake, chocolate and cookies. It was absolutely amazing for my soul - but my skin & body are not the happiest. Minus the sweetener in my coffee creamer, I am completely cutting out sugar for this entire month.

How are you setting yourself up for success this year?

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I have committed to working out daily, taking time for self care and self-love, and I am committed to increasing my education in trading and trying not to be so hard on myself. 🥰

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