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All the radio channels already exist.

Think of it like you are a radio transmitter. All the radio channels already exist. You’re not creating them. You’re tuning to them. Just like a radio, you can only hear the channel that you’re tuned to. If you want to hear something else, you’ve got to change your tuning. That means you have to change your thoughts and your feelings. And not just once. This is a constant process of energetic alignment; being in alignment with what you’re manifesting. Now I know that when I say constant, you might be feeling defeated or overwhelmed thinking, “that’s a lot of work!” And it is, but only at the beginning. This is just something that you need to accept. Anytime you learn anything new, you have a learning curve. You exert the most amount of energy in the learning and applying process.

This is an excerpt from my manifestation book that will be coming out soon. Make sure you're on my email list to be the first to know when it is released!

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