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Challenge your beliefs, change your reality.

Your beliefs are creating your reality.

I know that you know this so my question is: why aren't you challenging them?

You keep believing the old shitty thoughts.

The ones that say that money is always running out.

The ones that say business and sales are hard.

The ones that say you're not good enough.

If you keep believing them, then your reality isn't going to change.

That means you've got to challenge them in the moment.

That's the only time you can change them and thus change your reality.

You've got to start being conscious in the present moment.

This is how you can notice the thoughts before you think them.

This is when you can notice the stories before you tell them.

If you don't like a thought, you don't have to believe it.

If you don't like a story, you don't have to tell it.

This is your life, create it how you want it to be.

The sooner you start shifting what you believe, the sooner you'll see the shifts in your reality.


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