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Don't let your circumstances dictate your reality.

There is a certain level of personal power that is required to be able to lead yourself out of the matrix programming.

And quite honestly - a lot of people don’t have this.

That is why they are constantly falling back into their circumstances.

They haven’t mastered their mind.

They don’t have a daily meditation practice.

They wake up and go immediately on their phone.

They watch television until they fall asleep.

They constantly focus on what they can see.

If you’re not taking ANY TIME away from the matrix, I want to seriously ask you - how tf do you expect to escape it?

You KNOW by now that your mind is creating your reality. This isn’t spiritual mumbo jumbo.

This is scientifically backed with quantum physics and neuroscience.

So WHY are you not doing the daily work to master your mind?

I receive so many questions from my students, clients and followers who know how manifestation works, yet they simply aren’t applying it.

Knowing something does nothing if you’re not embodying it.

Or if you’re not taking action from embodiment.

If you’re always waiting for something to happen or change outside of you, you’ll be waiting forever.

You have to spend way more time focusing INTERNALLY and spend way less time focusing EXTERNALLY.

You cannot avoid yourself. You cannot out run your shadows. You cannot transcend your patterns.

UNLESS you are meeting yourself where you are currently at.

NOT in your current circumstances - in your current frequency.

I have just released my manifesting masterclass for free. This is great place for you to start if you’re desiring to live your dream life.

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