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Failure doesn't exist.

Everything is information.

It's all feedback.

Indication of where you're at. Not determining where you're going.

The universe is always responding to you.

If you didn't get the results you desired - it doesn't mean that you failed.

It's information for you to look at and evaluate so that way you can learn.

Often it's just a sign that you have to clean up your mindset & energetics.

Once you apply the information - you get the results.

99% of life is energetic and mental.

Even when you're building a business.

You've got to reframe the notion of failure.

Instead of saying - "this isn't working" shift it to "what do I need to learn here?"

When you do this - you always win.

You get the success, money & clients.

You manifest the business and life of your dreams.

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