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Feel more, think less.

One of the biggest lies that you've been taught is that you need to think your way through reality.

And I'm here to tell you that is complete bullshit.

As I always remind you - your mind has been programmed to lie.

Your feelings are the most important things.

They are directly connected to your frequency.

When you learn to regulate your nervous system, you can truly trust your feelings.

If you feel like you're still struggling with feeling into low frequency emotions - get into AOM U and learn how to regulate your nervous system.

The more you think, the less time you are living in the present moment.

This means you're blocking your ability to receive.

You also can't receive downloads to take inspired action from the universe.

The best thing you can do for yourself is stop trying to think your way through the actions.

And start just being present so that way you are truly lead by the universe at all times.

This is when you release taking actions from lack and start embodying abundance.

Remember: the energy that you're in when you take the action actually dictates the results.

It's always state first, then action.

Feelings > thoughts

Frequency > action

Trust > force

Receive > control

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