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Feeling into your manifestation really allows you to reverse engineer your manifestation.

Feeling into your manifestation really allows you to reverse engineer your manifestation to come to you.

This is a line from my manifestation book that I have been writing.

And this is a step in manifestation that I see a lot of people knowing, yet not being able to practice.

The reason that the majority of people have a difficult time locking in the feelings of their desire is:

1 - they have never let themselves play there.

They were taught to be super logical. To work to get. To be serious. To feel a way when they get a thing. Without realizing, it’s the feeling that brings that energetic alignment.

2 - they are approaching manifestation from the mind only.

I get it. That is what traditional LOA teachings focus on & what a lot of coaches emphasize. But manifestation is a mind body soul state of being. That is why I teach you my psyche manifestation method in my teachings & mentorship.

3 - they don’t understand the energetic nature of reality.

People get too hyper focused on the 3D reality that they see in front of them & then they are never able to escape the matrix.

To learn manifestation - you truly have to unlearn everything that you have ever been taught.

It isn’t easy, it feels as though you are opening up an onion that has endless layers.

It isn’t a practice. It’s a way of being.

Learning to be conscious.

Learning to heal.

Learning to love.

Learning to trust.

Learning to think.

Learning to feel.

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