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honoring the season that you’re in…

honoring the season that you’re in…

when you start to become a master at the universal laws, you truly start dancing with the duality.

in each moment there is polarity & this creates the human experience.

some seasons we will be deeply in our masculine energy which means we’ll be doing a lot.

❄️ building the business

❄️ launching programs

❄️ creating lots of content

❄️ doing a lot of personal development

❄️ taking aligned action

& then other seasons you might find yourself in a more feminine energy.

❄️ practicing more self care

❄️ reading more books

❄️ taking time off of social media

❄️ creating less

❄️ meditating more

each season is perfect & necessary.

we need to take action on our dreams.

we need to build the momentum.

we need to bring things into creation.

^that’s what masculine energy allows

we need to recharge ourselves.

we need to connect with nature.

we need to go into deep devotion.

^that’s what the feminine allows

instead of trying to push ourselves to do or be more - try honoring the season that you’re in.

understanding that each serves a purpose & both support us in our souls highest evolution.

at the end of the day, it’s our ability to balance both while also leaning into the one that is aligned with that season.

this is how we master duality ⚖️

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