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How to navigate doing (masculine) vs. being (feminine) in your business.

How to navigate doing (masculine) vs. being (feminine) in your business.

Over my years in the coaching industry, I have seen a lot of coaches fall into one of these two categories… all masculine or all feminine.

When in truth, ⚖️ EQUILIBRIUM ⚖️ is the sweet spot 🤌🏼

When the coaching industry started, it was all bro marketers giving you sleazy sales strategies that felt rigid. Such as:

❌ here’s my email sales sequence to get people to buy

❌ here’s my cold DM script to turn cold leads into buyers

❌ here’s exactly what to say on your sales call to combat objections

This meant:

⛓️ you were tied to your business all day long & super drained

⛓️ you wasted a bunch of time & energy on people who didn’t want to buy

⛓️ you could do all of this & still not be successful because your mindset sucked

Women DON’T resonate with any of that.

As energetic beings - we could feel we were being set up 🤢

It was all about the action, but none of it felt good or provided freedom.

So then the industry shifted to feminine energetics which emphasized alignment & luxurious lifestyles. Queue:

🍾 drinking champagne in the middle of the day in a bathrobe

🍾 you don’t need a strategy, you just need to be in the energy

🍾 everyone creating the same programs & content

This meant:

✖️charging 5K for programs run live on Facebook without giving anything tangible

✖️the coaching industry got a really bad rep because women had invested 20K+ w/ nothing to show for it

✖️feeling super energized when the convos took place, but ultimately uncertain on how to achieve the results

🙋🏼‍♀️ raise your hand if this was or is you

You can’t build a solid business model or scale to multi millions on energetics alone. You need a foundation with strategy and systems. And you’ve got to prioritize your personal wellbeing, mindset & energy.

In my world — I teach you how to master your health, mindset & energy so that way you can implement strategies that get insane results.

That’s how:

🧠 you can work smarter & not harder

🧠 don’t have to be ON all the time

🧠 attract dream clients ready to pay

Ready to build a biz led in feminine energetics & supported by masculine structure so that you can spend more time living while making bank?

ENTREPRENEUR is about to be your favorite place on the internet. You’ll know exactly WHAT to do & HOW to build the business. And you’ll also be prioritizing your ALIGNMENT so that it feels good building the business of your dreams.

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