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How to quantum leap into your desired reality.

Let's talk about quantum leaping into your desired reality quickly because this is the magic sauce we are all looking for. If you don't know - quantum leaping is you truly mastering the energetics of the universe. Since we live in a quantum realm, you are always creating your reality based on the consciousness & frequency level that you're at. Where a lot of people struggle with manifestation is that they keep showing up in the same consciousness & frequency - waiting for their reality to change before they change. And this leaves them waiting forever. This is when life feels like you're living on ground hog's day on repeat. It's like a vicious cycle that you can't escape. The truth is - you can't wait for your reality to change. You need to be the cause of it changing. You need to be the conscious creator of your reality. And this requires your attention to be inner focused and not outer focused. There are infinite timelines in which you are living at this very moment. The only difference between the you who has all of your desires and the current you is how you are thinking, speaking, feeling and moving. So this is what you need to change in order to cause a quantum leap to occur. If you're someone who feels like they have tried to do this, but keep falling back into their old limiting beliefs, same habits and struggling to feel better about their life... Then I invite you into AOM U; the most epic manifestation academy that exists. This gives you all of the concepts that will help you raise your consciousness while giving you the tangible tools to apply to shift your frequency. I realized that I have never given you a breakdown of the programs that you get access to within the academy so let me briefly explain them to you. AOM U CURRICULUM: MANIFESTATION

SOUL MANIFESTATION is the best place for you to start because I describe manifestation at a foundational level. This is my mind body soul bootcamp because it helps you rewire your subconscious mind so that you're able to manifest.

MANIFESTATION MANIFESTO MASTERCLASS is a masterclass that breaks down manifestation so that you can place your order with the universe this has a manifesto that you can download that walks you through shifting your limiting beliefs.

ALCHEMY OF MANIFESTATION is an advanced energetic manifestation program. It's filled with deep energetic codes that help you to recode your cellular DNA so you energetically align w/ your desires.

UNIVERSE WITHIN is a single class that teaches you the origins of manifestation. This will teach you about the Egyptians, Atlantis, Thoth, Hermeticism and why you didn't learn manifesting growing up.

MANIFESTATION Q&A'S these are 1-2 hour long question and answer sessions where I answer specific manifestation questions. You can ask any manifestation questions you have in the "ask your question" section.


QUANTUM is the science behind manifestation. This is where you will learn the neuroscience of your mind, the holographic universe, non-linear time and you'll practice shifting into a new energetic state.


CHAMELEON is a self concept masterclass where you learn to do identity work. This will teach you how to reinvent yourself and become the version of yourself who easily manifests.


CURRENCY is the money program that teaches you how to master abundance. This will teach you everything that you need to know about money and embodying wealth frequency.

THE MONEY GAME is a 30 day manifesting money challenge. This gives you daily practices to change your relationship with money and manifest money quickly.


MANIFEST LOVE MASTERCLASS is a masterclass that focuses totally on manifesting love. This will teach you how to love yourself and manifest your specific person.


THE AUDITION is a masterclass that teaches the human design profile lines. This will teach you what your role in life is using your conscious and subconscious traits.

SIGNATURE is the masterclass where you learn the energy types, signature and not self themes in HD. This is the foundational HD information that you need to know to live in your design.

EMOTIONAL is the emotional authorities masterclass where you will learn how to navigate your emotional wave. While this is created for emotionals, non-emotionals will gain a lot of value from this because you are influenced by emotionals.


FULL MOON MAGIC is a self paced workshop where you can create your own full moon ritual while learning how to work with the astrological energy of that specific full moon.

LIONS GATE PORTAL is a self paced workshop that helps you to utilize the Solstice energy or Lions Gate Portal to manifest abundance into your life.

You can join the academy for as little as $55.

Let's close the gap between who you've been and who you were born to be.

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