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I am the evidence, I don't look for it.

I am the evidence which means I’m not busy looking for it outside of me.

The amount of sales, students, clients, success, engagement, etc. doesn’t dictate how I move. I move and I dictate my reality. Moving as the evidence.

This is a super power that not many have practiced. The common narrative is, “I’ll move when…”

And because they have allocated room for the … they never move.

Not me, honey. I spent too many years of my life, too many decades accepting what I was told I had to and I’m not available for it anymore.

When I want something - I get it. Why? Because I know I am powerful enough to decide, claim and receive. When it looks like it’s not working most people bail. They run for safe cover. Back to the known.

Not me. I put on my scuba mask and I dive tf in. Into the depths of my psyche🧘🏼‍♀️🧠🔍 To explore the energetic patterns stored within my unconscious. Knowing that it’s up to me to unlock the code.

And once I’ve found it, I get to know it. I see what it’s there to teach me. I sit with it. I extract the wisdom. I recode my cellular dna and then I teach it 🧬👩🏼‍🏫🎟️ And this isn’t something I started doing when I found personal development. I’ve been doing this since elementary school.

I vividly remember exploring the realm of my mind to know what was true for me, even at a young age. With the consciousness level that I now embody, I truly believe it’s because my highest self knew that I was taking on energies and programming that wasn’t serving me.

Since I remained connected to me & my mind, I became comfortable in solitude. While the majority of the world feels like a prisoner in their mind, I felt like a prisoner in this life. Trapped by the limitations that I now know to be a well constructed mirage 🖼️⛓️📽️

I learned a long time ago that looking for the answers outside of yourself causes you to look at limitations as evidence. And that going within is the only way to transcend into a higher consciousness level.

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