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I'm not available for my clients 24/7 and that's why they are self led.

If someone says you get 24/7 access in voxer, this isn’t a good thing. This is a problem for both of you.

As a mentor, you have to be able to fill up your own cup first. Both personally and professionally.

If you’re available for your clients whenever they message you, here’s a few things that it tells me:

You lack proper boundaries and communication skills.

If you had proper boundaries, you would have office hours (just like ANY business). People aren’t able to walk into stores 24/7. They might be able to buy products through their website, but you bet your ass they will have to wait until business hours to call or receive a response.

As the mentor, it is your job to set the standard for your close proximity spaces. This means being direct and clear from the start on how working with you actually works.

No leaky ass “I’m here whenever you need me” energy.

I am only in voxer three days a week and this actually serves my clients and I WAY more than if I was in there 7 days a week.

Why? Because it’s intentional asf. When my clients plug in, they plug in because they actually desire coaching/mentorship on something. They have sat with it first. They have reflected on it. They are still in a state of creation and sovereignty vs. being in a state of reaction and dependency.

If you want self led women, but you’re in voxer 7 days a week at all hours of the day, you’re not modeling self leadership.

You are also indirectly modeling to your clients that they need you.

If you actually went through a coaching certification, you would know your role is to help your client discover the answer on their own (just like therapists do). Your job isn’t to give them the answers.

I feel like the reason we see so much leaky shit in business in the coaching industry is not enough women actually know business and not enough coaches learned how to be a coach.

Don’t be surprised when you’re burnt tf out and aren’t able to innovate in your business because you’re in voxer 24/7.

Meanwhile, I’m over here being a CEO, creating an epic brand that’s going to change the world and serving my clients to my best abilities.

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Jul 19, 2023

I so love you 🤍

Alexa Rae
Alexa Rae
Jul 20, 2023
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Ahh I love you so much, girl!!

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