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I’ve done everything and manifestation isn’t working for me…

This is a common response that I get when I go live and I see a lot of people in the collective going into this frequency.

So let’s talk about it👇🏼

And you know I’m gonna keep it real with you because that’s how we do in my world 🥵

The short answer is: NO YOU HAVEN’T

The long answer is: it is literally impossible for you to have done the work that is required and not be consistently manifesting because it violates universal laws.

The reason why you think you’ve done everything is that you have fallen into the trap of the trendy manifestation community.

Where people are teaching fluff without any depth and telling you to do 862 manifestation methods. So you’re tired and you’re frustrated.

Because doing this adds way more onto your to do list, but doesn’t actually teach you to consciously manifest 🫠

Methods are tools to help you get into a different frequency and have fun with the process. They don’t actually manifest though.

Your beliefs are ALWAYS the things that are manifesting 🧠

And a lot of people are spending WAY TOO much time distracting themselves from doing the work required to shift their belief systems.

Which looks like:

-saying/writing affirmations that go against your belief system so they make you feel worse

-trying a different manifestation method every day and immediately looking for evidence

-consuming manifestation content on tiktok, youtube & instagram for hours a day

-journaling your dream life every day, but never actually communicating it to your unconscious

It doesn’t matter what you’re doing consciously if you’re not getting into your unconscious.

The way you consistently manifest is by doing daily subconscious reprogramming supported with conscious self talk & regulating your nervous system when you fear creeps in.

Rinse and repeat 🧼

When you’re ready to learn how to ACTUALLY manifest & do the work that’s required to become someone who CONSISTENTLY manifests - AOM U or mentorship is for you.

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