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If talking about your MTD revenue is part of your marketing - this needs to change.

No other industry in the world measures MTD, none.

How the fuck did we even end up here?

I’m all for manifesting & having big goals but what the actual fuck?!

We are setting the industry up for failure when we keep pedestaling these numbers.

It makes coaches feel unsuccessful or that something is wrong with them when their income dips.

It’s honestly because women would rather tell you this in their marketing than question the mentor that sold them this story.

It takes the enjoyment out of bringing your work online because it’s always being measured by money.

This isn’t conscious leadership. This is putting your power outside of yourself & letting numbers dictate your mission.

While the narrative you’ll be sold by the popular girls club of coaches is: “if you don’t like my money balloon celebrations - there’s something wrong with you”

I’m here to tell you THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH YOU. You’re doing the work. You’re showing tf up for your legacy. You’re creating a new paradigm. And I’M SO PROUD OF YOU 🥹👏🏼🤍

It was never about the money.

It was always about the impact.

We have to start listening to our intuition more than we listen to these women. Especially when our intuition screams “this doesn’t make me feel good inside” when we see this messaging.

I want you to honor your mission, legacy & impact by unsubscribing to anything that makes you feel less than for being a human and an entrepreneur.

MTD ≠ happiness

MTD ≠ satisfaction

MTD ≠ success

MTD ≠ freedom

Let’s free ourselves from the ⛓️

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