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If you celebrate your wins by day drinking - I will never hire you as a mentor.

I’m honestly shocked that not enough mentors speak to this and I honestly believe it’s because there’s a lot of women making big money who do this & women are afraid to ruffle their feathers 🪶


Coaches who celebrate their wins by drinking during the day 🎈🍾🥂 is SERIOUSLY concerning.

I’m all about celebrating your wins, GO GIRL 🥳 but drinking daily, day drinking & creating a habit of celebrating with alcohol is a slippery slope. And will often lead to alcohol dependency 🫣

One of my top priorities in my life (and a requirement for my mentor) is that she prioritizes health. That means healthy habits & healthy celebrations.

Another requirement is her dedication to her spiritual growth. You literally cannot ascend into 5D consciousness if you’re consuming alcohol weekly, let alone daily. It isn’t possible because alcohol lowers your vibration & dehydrates you. Two things that are necessary for spiritual evolutions to occur.

The real flex 💪🏼 is being able to celebrate WITHOUT alcohol. That way you’re building a sustainable business and modeling healthy habits for your clients.

It’s time to start modeling better standards & better celebrations for our clients.

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