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if you need evidence that it's working - you're not in alignment.

If you need evidence that it’s working - you’re not in alignment.

I don’t need evidence that it’s working because I understand the universal principles.

That I am dictating my reality by my beliefs, energetics and actions.

I decide that it’s working - so it is.

I’m not constantly refreshing my DM’s to see if clients reached out for mentorship or a program.

I’m not opening up my banking app 12x a day to see if more money has come in.

I’m not obsessing over how many likes and followers I’ve gotten.

I’m not opening my website to see how many people jumped into my academy.

Because I know that if I’m doing that, I’m not in leading energy.

That is energetically unplugging.

Letting your circumstances dictate your reality.

Which means you’re never actually playing in the quantum realm.

Needing evidence is a lack of personal power.

It means that you don’t actually believe that it’s working unless you see proof.

The thing is - you will never get out of the matrix with this mentality.

Success is a decision.

Wealth is a decision.

It isn’t when I am successful I will feel and believe in my success.

It isn’t when I get the money I will feel and believe in my wealth.

It’s I’m deciding to be successful so I am feeling into & believing it now - NO MATTER WHAT.

It’s I’m deciding to be wealthy so I am feeling into & believing it now - NO MATTER WHAT.

That is setting the standards for how your life and business go for you.

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