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Manifestation is a way of being - not something you practice

If you’re still practicing manifestation - you’re not consciously manifesting.

It’s so ironic to me that so many people struggle to manifest what they truly desire in their life. We’ve been force fed this notion that they only way to get what we want is to work really hard for it. Yet that way of thinking has only reaffirmed a life built on scarcity.

I often think about how different of a world we would experience if we weren’t taught to live against our inherent nature - abundance, health & wealth. What if you grew up knowing that you were meant to live the richest, most fulfilling life and that everything that you desire is available for you? How wildly different would your life be right now?

Instead we are told that magic doesn’t exist, that money is hard to come by and that struggle is a requirement in life. My rebellious aquarian soul always knew that those were manufactured stories growing up. I knew in the depths of my being that life was meant to be so much more than that. I just didn’t have the evidence to prove that I was right.

So I dedicated my life to discovering a different path. If society wasn’t going to teach me to live then I would find my own way. I had to question absolutely everything that I had been taught. I had to find spiritual teachers and mentors that were living wildly different lives than I had ever seen. I spent years reading ancient texts and studying advanced scientific principles while simultaneously learning various modalities that would free my psyche.

While I continue to see surface level manifestation techniques, affirmations and practices being taught rampantly - I also see the majority of people not actually manifesting. This tells me that we need to go deeper. That conscious manifesting is a way of being - not something that you practice.

And that is why I created AOM - the manifestation portal to energetically align with your desires.

Within AOM, you get access to soul manifestation, manifestation manifesto masterclass & universe within. 16+ hours of content, 16 practices (including meditations, hypnosis + tapping).

If you're desiring to join AOM, go here:

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