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Momentum is built through consistent energy, focus & movement

Momentum is the cord that ties the energetic fabric of your reality.

And this is the piece that so many people aren’t able to hold because their logical mind takes them out of the flow. To really play in the realm of energetics, you need to start operating by logic. Otherwise you’re only going to dip your toe in (which means you can easily pull it out).

You have to really submerge yourself in the flow of ease and expansion. That means you have to start operating by desire. Logic is the language of the mind whereas desire is the language of the soul. And that is when life becomes magical.

What if you allowed yourself to let your desires lead? No matter what your mind said? Here’s the thing: your mind uses past evidence so if you’re trying to create something wildly new in your life, your brain doesn’t have the information to support it.

But since we live in a quantum world (where time doesn’t exist) - your soul desires what you’ve already had. Your heart can feel it. So when it comes to creating desired realities, we need to let our heart and soul guide. Not our minds.

And trust me, I fully understand how difficult this can be at first. I used to be someone who fully led with my mind and relied heavily on my intellect. Just like everything though, it gets easier with practice.

How do you do this? Notice what you desire and then open yourself up to let it in. Instead of letting your mind shut you down with all of its analytics. You move with the desire in your heart. Let yourself soak up the exciting energy of what could be. Then follow the intuitive pulls.

This is actually how you expand energetically. You learn to hold a higher frequency when you tap into your heart because your heart is the electromagnetic center that creates your magnetic signature.



layla breaks
layla breaks

Thank you oh wow I appreciate this so much . Such great timing

Alexa Rae
Alexa Rae

Aww this makes me so happy!!

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