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Sometimes no response is more profound than responding.

I hold extremely high standards & boundaries in my business and my personal life.

I built this into my personality. It wasn’t always there. I used to be leaky asf🚰 because it was never modeled to me.

Over a decade ago - I realized that not having boundaries was toxic to my mental, emotional & energetic health. So I decided that I wasn’t available for it.

I have done this for so long that I almost forget how rock solid my boundaries are 🪨🤘🏼

A question that came up multiple times on my Q&A today was, “how do you raise your frequency when you have negative people around you?”

My response is always, “I hold the standard and I model what it is like to have high standards. I don’t drop down to meet someone at their level. I allow them to rise to meet me or separation is created”

This is something that I see a lot of people haven’t mastered. The second that a client/friend/family/student start playing out their leaky shit, they become reactive.

Which means they totally drop their standards and when they do this - their boundaries disappear.

This leads to feeling energetically drained and irritated from the experience. Typically the blame is on the person…

I focus on building my internal awareness & mastering myself ALWAYS.

What I can 💯 tell you is this - if you’re still letting the people in your external world affect your frequency - you haven’t mastered your internal world.

And because of this - the majority of people will never actually meet themselves. They hyper focus on the other person, which will prevent them from doing the work on themselves.

This is your ego playing out on repeat. It blames others for the circumstances so that it can keep running the show 🎭

To fully transcend egoic behaviors - you’ve got to shift the focus inward. That’s how you will understand where you need to set boundaries.

And who you need to establish boundaries with.

Then you’ll be able to do the work on yourself to raise your standards so that way you’re not playing out egoic dramatics. This will allow you to create healthy boundaries that don’t allow negativity to take you out of your power.

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