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Stop looking for signs & start being the sign.

Too many people are placing their power outside of them.

Constantly looking for evidence AKA permission to believe what they want is available for them.

The problem with this is: the universe is responding to YOU.

So you need to KNOW that it is available for you.

Not looking for a synchronicity to believe it.

You gotta believe it, babe.

Then move as if it’s ALREADY on the way to you.

We aren’t waiting for permission to believe in our desired reality.

We know our desired reality is available because we DESIRE it.

Let your desire for the thing; life, business, success, money, clients, be THE THING.

Then get your mindset & your frequency in ALIGNMENT with it.

Start EMBODYING the version of you who has it already.

Your reality will only change once you change.

It will never happen in reverse.

Be the LEADING energy in your life & business.

And watch how QUICKLY you’re living in that reality.

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