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Stop settling for a life that isn’t full of complete magic and bliss.

When you settle - you signal to the universe that you don’t believe you’re worthy of more.

Yes - this has been programmed into you from the blue collar teachings of, “be grateful for what you have”

And there is always duality.

You can be grateful AND know that you desire & deserve more.

More happiness.

More joy.

More satisfaction.

More love.

More success.

More money.

You don’t actually have to sacrifice to have more.

The only thing that you need to release is your limiting beliefs.

It isn’t selfish to want more - it’s self less.

^When wanting more is ROOTED in the internal feeling first.

This is something that I see a lot of people misunderstanding with manifestation.

There is a lot of talk about egoic manifestations - having more as a symbol of being better than others (entitlement) or having more to show of your material gains (status).

This completely defeats the entire purpose.

If having more is a hollow need driven from the ego - nothing will ever be enough.

When you know that having more allows you to live more spiritually.

It allows you to serve the collective at a greater capacity.

It allows you to have a bigger impact on the planet.

It allows you to prioritize your mental, emotional and physical wellbeing.

It allows you to become the best version of yourself.

Having more allows you to tap into the bliss and play that the human experience was meant for.

You aren’t manifesting from need because you don’t feel whole (lack).

You are whole so you manifest from wholeness (abundance).

The irony is, when you manifest from lack - that’s what you get.

And vice versa, when you manifest from abundance - that’s what you get.

The work is ALWAYS on your internal state of being first.

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