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The moment you become the person who matches the desire it will manifest.

The moment you become the person who matches the desire ✨it will manifest✨

👆🏼This is what you need to be focusing on.

You’ve got to focus on becoming - not getting.

Doing something to get means that you’re in a lack frequency.

Which indicates you’re out of congruence 😵‍💫

So you can’t keep thinking thoughts that align with incongruence.

You’ve got to shift your state of being to create a new reality 🌀

Becoming means you’ve embodied a new identity with new actions, beliefs & behaviors.

If you spend more time becoming this new version of yourself - you won’t have time to think thoughts like, “it isn’t working”

Because those thoughts won’t align with your new identity 🙅🏼‍♀️

Instead you’ll be rewiring those beliefs and changing your old stories 📝🧠

Ready to become the version of yourself who manifests their desires quickly & easily? 💚

AOM U 🪄 is a membership where you’ll learn the ⚡️energetics⚡️required to lock in your new identity so that you can manifest easily.

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