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Things that I did over the past 3 months that have given me so much inner peace...

Unfollowed everyone on Instagram and stopped using it. Before this - I was honestly on it way too much. Between creating content, posting & studying the industry. It became something that had a good intention, but it drained me energetically & I lost touch the passion for my purpose.

Spent 2 hours off of my phone each morning & night (instead of 1). Inner peace is found within. It is a dedication to yourself. When you rush to pick up your phone - you take yourself out of leading energy. When you’re on your phone/ consuming any electronics at night - you lose valuable mental peace.

Reading physical books every single day for long periods of time. There is something about a book, holding it, smelling it, enjoying it. It’s been an intimate experience that has sparked the fire again for finishing my own book.

Stopped taking multiple trainings from mentors a week/ investing in multiple offers a month. The industry has you thinking you have to be learning & be in proximity all the time. I have found this to be a lie that steals our inner peace & creative innovation.

Stopped creating/selling multiple offers a month. I’m a manifesting generator & was fucking best & uninspired. So it isn’t even like this is “a MG biz model”. It’s an unhealthy obsession with your business that models unsustainable business practices.

Went into hermit mode. I went weeks without seeing people or texting anyone. I would respond to students, clients & comments - but I was very intentional about who was in my immediate energy field. I fell back in love with myself, my life & my business.

Lived in my body more & less in my mind. The present moment is found within stillness & your body. We are meant to be living in our mind. We are meant to be in flow with the now.

I would love to know what practices you have that give you inner peace 🕊️

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