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This is how I sell on tiktok (vs. on instagram).

This is how I sell on tiktok.

I was asked if I should stop posting on tiktok & go back to instagram 👇🏼

The reality is - the buyers on tiktok are NOT the same buyers as on instagram.

A lot of the “coaches” on tiktok under value the coaching industry by charging less than $300 for their only program.

When that is the cost of a masterclass.

This makes younger generations think that no one should be charging more than $300 (which is a LOW TICKET investment).

There are a lot of users on tiktok that don’t know that they are their biggest ROI. So they don’t understand the value of investing in themselves.

Unlike instagram where people are ALL IN on investing in themselves, their business & understand you get what you pay for.

Your job is NEVER to convince people to buy. You don’t want to speak to people who need convincing. They will be your most difficult clients & probably won’t do the work that’s required.

And this is quite honestly why the majority of amazing coaches aren’t on tiktok. And the ones that call themselves coaches but are really just regurgitating Neville Goddard’s teachings are on tiktok.

I truly believe tiktok is an amazing platform that can get more eyes on your work, but you have to understand that it’s not likely they will buy your high ticket offers after finding you.

This is why I offer low ticket ways to get in my world, such as ebooks, visualizations, meditations & I put programs on sale.

Then they will feel more comfortable buying at a higher ticket price. And this has happened with many of my followers on tiktok.

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