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To become a spiritual entrepreneur; you’ve got to fall in love with the unknown.

You’ve chosen to walk the path less followed.

The one where few truly ever go 🏕️

Where logic no longer leads 🧠

Where intuition is your primary driver 🕊️

This is when you meet your soul mission.

The purpose you came here for.

The reason you incarnated.

It was never to work for someone else & following the rules of being boxed in.

It was always to become the fullest & truest version of yourself.

The light that guides others home.

It will feel like constant cycles of death & rebirth while you take this journey.

Sometimes you’ll cry, shake & scream.

Sometimes you’ll be captivated by the beauty & the magnitude of who you are.

And it’s all perfect.

The duality is the human experience.

When you create a heart centered, soul infused & impact driven empire - it isn’t for you.

It’s your medicine to the collective.

You become an expression of what is possible.

When inner riches are the priority, the universe blesses you with them on the material plane.

That’s where your MISSION is leading you.

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