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When you are here to learn love...

This is a channeled message that came through to me in my meditation last night:

When you are here to learn love, you will be give constant opportunities to become it. To love those who hurt you. To love yourself when you have fallen out of character. To know that you are love. That it cannot be lost. It is who you are. Let the walls down. Drop your guard. Let the love in. Let the love pour out. Remember who you are ♥️

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2 Kommentare

Unknown member
01. Juli 2023

Love this! Took me time to love myself and to understand I am enough! Grateful I’ve learned this life lesson. Thank you

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Alexa Rae
Alexa Rae
20. Juli 2023
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Aww I'm so happy you've learned to love yourself!! You deserve it

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