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Working under one mentor for years or your entire business is dangerous.

The heart led leaders of the coaching space have FINALLY woken up.

I have speaking about the lack of ethics in the coaching industry for years because I went to business school.

And I’m so fucking excited that leaders have finally awoken to the truths.

One of the BIGGEST lies the industry brainwashes you to believe is that you can only be successful if you’re under longterm mentorship with the same coach.

Here’s why that is DANGEROUS:

You’re only getting your information from one source. We know how dangerous this is with the news/current events. If you don’t learn from multiple sources, you become biased and misinformed. This is what has happened in the coaching industry.

That’s why 99% of coaches all have the exact same business model, teach the exact same things in their programs & there is little to no innovation.

Let’s talk about some of the unintended consequences this has had on the entire industry:

Charging 4k - 6k for a month long program is UNETHICAL SELLING. It just is. If you don’t get this, please go take a business ethics class. Just because you CAN charge something DOES NOT mean it is ethical to do so. Let’s not even talk about the 20k+ monthly mentorship rates…

Teaching live masterclasses & a group programs a month leads to dopamine hits that are not safe for the nervous system. There is literally NO reason to teach live. That was NEVER the purpose of digital programs.

This confuses what coaching is & what programs are. Not to mention - this doesn’t honor your students. It doesn’t give them time to integrate & apply. “It keeps them stuck in a cycle where they have to keep investing or it means they aren’t committed”

As a conscious leader - it’s time to bring integrity back into the industry.

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