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You can choose to keep struggling with a problem. Or you can do the work to no longer identify with the struggle or the problem.

You can choose to keep struggling with a problem. Or you can do the work to no longer identify with the struggle or the problem.

This was the exact download that came through to me when I was making my breakfast yesterday 👼🏼

You choose your problems. Choose better problems.

Example: Struggling with money? 👉🏼 Instead you can choose to have more than enough money to buy anything.

The problem: lack of money

The solution: more than enough money

You can release the struggle. You can release the lack.

You can let it be easy. You can transcend the problem. By turning it into a solution.

Solution frequency > problem frequency.

If you’re ready to turn money into a solution for you so that it is safe, reliable & consistent for you - MONEY MOVES 💸 is the membership for you. And you can join at the founders rate by signing up before Saturday.

Want to go deeper on this topic?👇🏼 I recorded an entire podcast episode explaining this in depth. Listen to Getting into Alignment on Spotify or Apple.

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