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You can't fake clean energetics

The word congruency has become a buzzword in the coaching world this year and it’s because we as an industry are shifting yet again.

The super strategic bro marketing world ran rampant for the first few years. This left women feeling burnt out and creating another 9-5 that they hated with no soul, art or innovation. Hence the conversation about “burning your business to the ground”

This taught us that women don’t do business like men, so we needed to start to carve out our own path. Hello conversational coaching and energetics without any structure at all. We let our divine feminine out to play and threw out every strategy that didn’t resonate. This unfortunately was impractical asf. The feminine can only play for so long without a supportive structure to hold her.

While I never bought into either of these arenas because hi I’m professional and academically trained in business, I have observed the industry. This is how you know what competitive advantage that you have. It highlights what is needed in the industry and if you’re smart - you can capitalize on this.

While I wish this is what was happening across the board, there are still too many women playing in one of the above camps and not actually finding equilibrium in both. Is this an energetic world that becomes fully malleable when you know how to alchemize this? Absolutely. Does building a big business require a deep understanding of entrepreneurship? Absolutely.

And that’s when we bring online the conversation of congruency. This is a conversation about who you are at all times. Not just when you’re selling, creating, leading, coaching or teaching. Who you are when you’re out of your business is just as important (if not more) than who you are being while you’re in it.

You can copy and paste a strategy all day long - but your energy sells it. We are extremely intellectual women who can’t be fooled by perfect branding, amazing copyrighting or a huge audience. If your strategy is awesome and your energy sucks - people won’t buy. If you’ve mastered energetics and you have no strategy - people won’t take your business seriously.

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