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You have to able to normalize your desires before you receive them.

I see a lot of women trying to manifest big money, but they haven’t normalized these dollar amounts yet.

If you don’t normalize it there’s two things that will happen:

💵 Your mind drama is going to go into the doom spiral of limiting beliefs

💵 You will dysregulate your nervous system because you didn’t neutralize it

Here’s the thing: the majority of people are living in the matrix, trading their time for money ⌚️💰

If you’re constantly surrounding yourself with people who are elevating their consciousness around BIG MONEY, then big money will feel in of the realm of possibility for you.

Women in my world consistently make 10K+ months.

💸 Some have 20K months.

💸 Some have 50K months.

💸 Some have 100K months.

And there are women out there landing their million dollar month on repeat 🔂🏦

^those are the women I choose to surround myself with & learn from

Why? Because hearing them talk about these big money months over and over again normalizes it for me.

It is very common for me to hear women celebrating 700K month…

What happens with a lot of women is that they hear these numbers and they allow the doom spiral & dysregulation to take over 🌪️

And most of the time they win because that’s what society has normalized.

When instead of unplugging, you lean into the discomfort - that’s when the magic truly begins.

You are consciously deciding to normalize this figure by staying in the room.

And then you start doing the work to regulate your nervous system because you start actually believing it’s possible and then feeling into the possibilities. Once you start playing here - you don’t want to go back.

There are two steps that allowed me to stay plugged into this frequency:

💵 Doing the money work to hold these numbers

💵 Continuously expanding my consciousness level

If you’re desiring big money in your business - then money work is the first step.

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