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You have to decide that you’re building a multimillion dollar brand.

You have to decide that you’re building a multimillion dollar brand.

It’s a decision.

It’s not a “I hope this happens” this takes you out of your power where you play into low frequency emotions letting your external circumstances dictate your reality.

And that leads to you never experiencing the success, money, freedom and happiness that you desire.

The women who have become self made millionaires had the mindset of “I know this is happening.” They decided, they declared it and then they got to fucking work to build it.

And this is how they are rolling in the dough, have a cult like following, sell out all of their programs and make money in their sleep.

The energy in which you do a thing determines the results.

How you’re building your business matters.

If you’re constantly worrying, doubting or fearing that it won’t happen - it actually won’t happen.

How could it? You’re not in alignment with the version of you who is a multimillionaire.

You’re in alignment with someone who has inconsistent cash months.

You gotta remember that the universe speaks in energy, babe.

And you’re the leading energy of your life and business - no one else.

The results in your business will match the frequency that you’re giving off.

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