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You have to stop looking at the outside world to validate how you want to feel.

You feeling the way that you want to feel - no matter what, is how you because a conscious creator. I get that it’s difficult when the matrix has programmed you to believe you need to have something to feel something. But the only way for you to escape the matrix is by releasing this broken narrative.

The outside world is a reflection of your inside condition. I know that you know this, but are you actively using this as information to create a new reality?

This is the number one thing that I see fucking people up with manifestation - they can’t hold their desired feelings unless their desired reality is there too.

So what that looks like is, someone wants to become wealthy. They start feeling into the wealth frequency. They start consciously deciding the stories that they are telling themselves about money. They feel abundant asf for an hour and they are on cloud 9 and then they get an email on their phone about a bill they didn’t expect.

WAHT WAHT WAHT WAAAAAHT. Then they become unhinged. They sling shot back to their normal lack frequency and go completely unconscious. They start worrying, doubting and get sucked into the doom spiral of fear. They start saying things like, “I knew this wouldn’t work” & “I’ll never be wealthy” They get themselves into a vibe of “I don’t have enough.”

^that is circumstantial power AKA you can only hold your desired feelings if you’re validated to feel them. This is unconscious creation where you let your conditioned way of thinking run the show.

People don’t realize that they have a choice in everything - to remain in their power or to drop their power.

The way to stay tapped into the wealth frequency is to not let the bill trip you tf out. A wealthy person doesn’t lose their shit when they get a bill. It doesn’t affect them. They just pay it in neutrality. They know more money is always coming to them. They know money is the easiest thing in the world to manifest. They happily pay their bills because they know money is meant to be circulated and that’s how more money flows.

How you react when something doesn’t go your way shows you what you need to clean up so that you can stay in your power - no matter what.

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