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You’ve got to be able to think, feel & speak in congruence your desired reality before you’re experiencing it.

You’ve got to be able to think, feel & speak in congruence your desired reality before you’re experiencing it.

This is HOW it will become your reality.

By having ⚙️ self mastery ⚙️

Not acting in conditional power & letting the external world dictate your movements.

It’s easy to:

💚 think positively when things are going your way

💚 feel good when your circumstances are good

💚 speak your blessings when you’ve got them

^thats not the work

How do you show up when things aren’t going your way? When things aren’t easy? When you have no evidence that it’s working?

In order to do that - you’ve got to be dedicated to showing up differently & operate with emotional intelligence.

To be able to stay in congruency no matter what because you’re manifesting from this moment.

So your frequency is the most important thing to navigate.

AOM U is a membership where you’ll learn the energetics required to lock in your new identity so that you can manifest easily.

use code: AOMU to save $111 on your first month

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