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You’ve got to be the one that believes it first.

You’ve got to be the one that believes it first.

You’ve got to be 100% delusionally convicted that your desires are your reality.

^Show up like that no matter what.

Because the external will only reflect back what you’re believing.

So you’ve got to start believing it before you can see it.

& don’t listen to other people outside of you who don’t get it.

The majority of people around you need to see it before they believe it.

But that’s not your problem. That’s a them thing.

Keep showing up for your wildest dreams.

And eventually the people that told you it was crazy to believe will ask you how you did it.

You’ve got to be the trailblazer that does things differently to manifest the life of your dreams & build the business that matches it.

Want support with this?

AOM U will teach you how to energetically align with your desires and manifest easily.

ENTREPRENEUR will teach you how to build a successful business that generates bank.

Apply for private mentorship here (you’ll get access to AOM U + ENTREPRENEUR).

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