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You’ve got to listen to the whisper of your soul that says - “you’re meant for more”

We’ve been taught to be too logical in this lifetime.

And logic will ALWAYS drain the magic out of life.

In the hundreds of human design readings that I have done, I always tell my clients, “this system is designed to get you out of your head. Your head is NOT designed to make decisions. Society has taught you to constrict your inherent flow of energy that is guiding you to your souls purpose and satisfaction and to force it back up to your mind. Where you will overanalyze, rationalize & pro and con’s list your way out of what’s meant for you”

This is why 90% of people live mundane lives while 10% of people live in complete ecstasy of the magic that is truly available for them.

.1% of people have defined head and anja centers. That means that your mind IS NOT RELIABLE.

I say this in my teachings and mentorship all the time, “your body doesn’t lie and your mind has been programmed to lie”

If you’re running your life or your business from the mind - you’re not taking the risks that your soul is calling you to claim.

This is when business, money, love, power, relationships, peace, happiness and freedom all feel constricted. Not because they are, but because you keep reinforcing the narrative that they are.

The process of becoming a heart led, soul infused and impact driven entrepreneur is the journey of coming home to your truth.

That you are a limitless being who incarnated on earth to feel limited so that you can shatter the illusion and go back to divinity.

This means leaving the matrix.

Forging your own path.

Awakening the magic that lives within.

Trusting beyond your sight.

Believing in the gifts you were born with.

Because you are being called to ascend and shine your light so that you can help change the collective consciousness.

If you’re desiring to build an empire based on pure potentiality. One that feels expansive, invigorating and exciting. While at the same time feeling deeply safe within your nervous system, fill out the application in my bio for mentorship.

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