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You’ve got to master your internal state of being to have a successful business that makes more money in a month than most people make in a year.

You’ve got to master your internal state of being to have a successful business that makes more money in a month than most people make in a year.

Self mastery is business mastery.

If your student cancels their membership, you’ve got to be in the same energy as when someone joins your membership.

If a client decides not to resign, you’ve got to be in the same energy as when they signed up.

If someone joins your program, you’ve got to be in the same energy as when no one buys.

This is when you neutralize the numbers. This is when your ego stops leading your business. This is building emotional intelligence in business.

You can’t be feeling amazing when people are signing up, buying and joining. But feeling like shit when they leave or don’t sign up.

What other people are doing shouldn’t be dictating how you feel, speak, think or move.

This is mastering your vibrational frequency.

When I allowed people to join my membership monthly with no commitment - I celebrated when they joined. And I celebrated when they left.

I’m not here for people who aren’t committed to their personal growth.

I’m not the mentor for people who don’t want to invest in themselves.

I don’t make it mean anything about me. I know I’m fucking brilliant. I know I’m a life changing mentor & teacher. I know that if you spend a year in my world, your entire reality will change.

The person left because they weren’t serious, committed or invested. They do what’s easy. They pull out when things get hard. They use finances as an excuse not to stay instead of tool to keep them in.

Why would I make it mean something about me? I’m not like that. I am dedicated, committed & all in on my life and business.

This is why I don’t even entertain month to month commitments because those are people that are looking for an out.

But how many people make it mean something about them when someone cancels, leaves or doesn’t buy?

Still letting the results control how they view themselves, their work & their services.

This skill is necessary to make big money. This skill is required to run a big business.

The numbers on a screen can’t control you. When you learn how to do this - you’ll become unstoppable.

Ready to become unstoppable in life and business? Fill out the application here.

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