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You've got to stop complaining about your circumstances.

I know that you know that you are creating your reality with each moment.

Yet so many of you are constantly complaining about your circumstances.

In my comments and in my lives - people that are struggling with manifestation are the ones who continue to argue for their limitations.

They say they want to change their reality, but they won't stop talking about it and playing the victim.

I love you and that's why I do not allow victim frequencies in my world.

The matrix taught you to be a victim, I am teaching you to be empowered.

I do not respond to & I delete any lengthy comments that play into these narratives.

I get that society taught you to do this, but if you continue to do this - you will never transform your life.

You need to understand how powerful you are & your power lives in the present moment.

It does not matter what has happened or is happening.

What matters is how you respond, react, vibrate and speak in the current moment.

That means you've got to move past the past because it doesn't exist anymore. Until you keep speaking about it and blaming it for your current reality.

Reality is responding to you. It isn't punishing you. It isn't testing you. It is RESPONDING to you.

If you don't like where you're currently at, then you have to change.

Here and now.

Not wait for reality to show up differently for you.

Because it literally can't.

Until you change.

You are the leading energy.

You are the attraction point.

There is no manifestation secret.

You've got to master you; your frequency, your emotions, your mindset, your language.

This is the nature of reality.

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I love this. It’s very hard to conceive that we created and continue to create our own situations. I’m trying…. I feel a million miles ahead of how I thought 6 months ago. Thank you Alexa

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