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Your relationship with money will be reflected back in your monthly sales.

Your relationship with money will be reflected back in your monthly sales.

If you’re desiring to have larger cash months, you’ve got to have a solid relationship with money.

I work with a lot of women who have an incredible business yet they aren’t hitting those high cash months yet.

When we zoom in on where the resistance is - it’s normally around money 💵

You have services/products to sell.

You are posting daily on social media.

You’ve got a podcast or a way of providing free value.

You’ve worked on your mindset, energetics & strategies.

And you are at the point where they just want to scream because you are doing ALL THE THINGS & have little to show for it 🤬

I always say that business is the biggest mirror to your shadow self 🪞

It will expose everything you’ve been running away from - including money.

You’ve typically done the money mindset work & yet the 10K month still feels illusive.

👆🏼And I honestly wish this narrative was talked about more. I find that this is where the majority of women in business are at.

It just isn’t talked about because the narrative is “it’s so easy to make large cash months online” which just creates a shame cycle 🌪️

If this is where you are at - there is NOTHING wrong with you. Those large cash months are available for you!!

I dedicated 10 years to doing money work and I felt ashamed for the first two years of my business because I was doing all the money mindset courses and I was racking up more and more debt.

That’s when I realized that money mindset will keep you limited if you can’t tap into wealth energetics.

I could never get to a 10K month from that perspective…so I forged my own path.

This week I made 10K in 4 days…

And now I’m going to teach you everything that I know so that you can have large cash weeks too.

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