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Zoom is not a part of my business model because I model what freedom in business looks like...

I don’t get on zoom EVER.

If someone teaches live on zoom & I wasn’t aware - I won’t keep paying them.

If someone teaches live on Facebook & I wasn’t aware - I won’t keep paying them.

NO ONE wants to sit on zoom all day long. We are no longer in a pandemic where it is required.

EVERY session I offer is via voxer. Why? Because it gives my clients and I freedom.

I can be taking my 6 mo old puppy out when she needs to go because I’m not tied to my computer constantly.

I can be out walking on the beach while still voxering my clients modeling what have a freedom filled business looks like.

Video calls are draining asf & being live in a program on zoom is weird asf. Students start paying more attention to their surroundings rather than focusing on your teachings.

People get WAY MORE value when they can plug in when it’s needed & while it’s happening. Calls hit deeper because there is a genuine connection being built.

As a mentor - you model for your clients what’s possible for them. I have NEVER wanted to be a mentor that models teaching live programs or being on zoom for 5+ hours a day.

It isn’t sustainable. It isn’t freedom. It’s another 9-5 where you’re chained to a desk. I did this for 8 years when I was a subject matter expert for the government & it ate my soul alive.

Here’s your permission slip to get outside, have fun through out your day & build a business that truly feels free.

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