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By choosing a payment plan, you are contractually agreeing to pay the entire amount of this program over multiple payments. Due to the digital nature of this product, cancellations are not allowed. By proceeding with this purchase, you are agreeing to pay the full amount of this program with no exceptions. You understand that this amount will be withdrawn on a recurring basis until all payments have been received. You do not have the option to cancel these payments early. If you do not submit payment, legal action can be pursued. If you become negligent in your payments, ALEXA RAE SMITH LLC has the right to block you from joining any future programs. 



If you need to change your payment information, go into your members area to update payment. If your payment is declined on the payment due date, you will incur a $30 late payment fee. If you become delinquent in your payments, your access to the program will be revoked until your payments are in good standing. If you have become delinquent in your payments, ALEXA RAE SMITH LLC has the right to decline you from enrolling in future offerings.



By choosing a payment plan, you understand that your monthly payment is due before any mentorship takes place. Payments must be rendered before services are performed. You understand that you will not receive any coaching or mentorship for the month until you have made your payment.



The information contained within this program are intellectual property rights of Alexa Rae Smith. You are not permitted to reuse this information in your own social media or teachings unless you have quoted Alexa Rae Smith, tagged her on social media or shared her contact information. If you resell any of this intellectual property without explicitly citing Alexa Rae Smith, you will be in violation of intellectual property rights which is liable in a court of law.



All client information is retained privately. ALEXA RAE SMITH LLC does not share client information. Any contact information obtained is only for the use of Alexa Rae Smith. Alexa Rae Smith may share generic client wins & experiences within her content while keeping the identity of the client private.


ALEXA RAE SMITH LLC does not guarantee any results from programs, downloadable or coaching. These are tools to help support clients and students, but the responsibility is on the client/student to apply the information and get their results. While there are testimonials provided from previous clients, everyone is different and individual results will vary.


ALEXA RAE SMITH LLC is not a licensed financial planner, medical doctor or therapist. If you are looking for support of this type, please speak to professional in one of these industries.

Here is a copy of ALEXA RAE SMITH LLC Coaching Contract. This contract outlines the legally binding agreement between Alexa Rae Smith and her coaching clients.

If you have any questions, please submit an email to with the subject line "Contractual Questions"

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