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see what previous clients/students are saying:

"Getting a HUMAN DESIGN READING by Alexa was a wonderful experience. She translated a lot of information that was really spot on for my life. She has a clarity and kindness to her speaking which made me feel at ease. I now have a better understanding of myself and feel like through the reading I received great validation."

"THE AUDITION was so informative. I learned so much about myself"

"I have watched THE AUDITION multiple times because it gave me so much knowledge about my human design"

"EMOTIONAL was such a powerful program. I've never heard anyone speak about human design the way that you do!"

"SIGNATURE gave me so much understanding about human design. I am so grateful for how in-depth you went into this program."

"Oh my, I kept thinking does this lady know me from anywhere else? Alexa was patient in explaining my HUMAN DESIGN chart to me and all were spot on. I used to think I was just in my own world but after spending an hour with her, I feel validated and have permission to keep being me, capitalize on my strengths and am now equipped to minimize my frustrations. Thank you so much Alexa, you are the best!"

"I have watched the first module of QUANTUM 2x. It's the best explanation of quantum physics."

"Being in a MASTERMIND with you was the most empowering experience."

"No one has ever taught me to meditate the way that you do, I've never felt so peaceful and present. I'm so grateful for this MASTERMIND"

"Thank you for everything that you do, Alexa!! I learned so much from EVERGREEN. And now I'm building out my first course!"

"Your HUMAN DESIGN READING was the best investment that I have ever made into myself."

"AOM U is sooo good!!"

"I'm excited for the next 30 days in THE MONEY GAME, I always learn so much from your programs"

"I'm so glad I invested in THE MONEY GAME!"

"I'm so obsessed with AOM U & how knowledgable you are. This is what I want to do with my life so thank you for everything you're doing"

"I'd love to know more about your affiliate program. I want everyone to join this because you're fucking amazing, there's so much expansion inside of AOM U & I feel so safe and heard in there."

"I joined THE MONEY GAME on Wednesday and already feel like a brand new person!!"

"The money game is awesome 🔥🔥🔥"


"The future self visualization on day 2 of THE MONEY GAME is worth the entire investment. It made me cry. It was so beautiful."

"AOM U was the best purchase I've ever made."

"I've already put your teachings to the test and sold my neighbors

RV for them in one day making myself $500.00! I know your teaching work as they just did for me!"

"I am so grateful for your work and teachings. My life shifts and feeling shifts are insane Alexa I could cry rivers for the amount of peace that's starting to reside within me. I just love you so much for being who you are! Thank you"

"Thank you thank you thank you!! If it wasn't for you my journey wouldn't be evolving at the rate that it is with the shifts that your work and teachings are implementing for me being dedicated to it and myself. Over the past couple weeks I started getting into my body and out in the real world more than I ever was before, joint classes and clubs and allowing the universe to guide me and TRUSTING vS trying to be controlling. Gahhh I could go on and on. Girl. You Rock. We're here to be the change we want to see in the world."

"AOM U is literally amazing. Watch it on repeat- everyday! I'm in the process of reprogramming & change perspective, it has changed my life for the better. What you focus on expands!"

"THE MONEY GAME got me into the mindset to join the academy/mentorship without excuses. So grateful."

"I feel like you stalked me online because your HUMAN DESIGN READING knew me so well!"

"Your manifestation method worked instantly for me!"

"I'm so grateful for your work. You're changing my life!"

"Day 10 in THE MONEY GAME & this has been quite the ride to say the least! Started w/pennies & paid my rent/bills just off art sales since following the bread crumbs the Universe drops & by listening to you. Lead the way & keep up the good work lady!! Eventually i'll figure out a way to put this on canvas for folks to enjoy!"

"​ALCHEMY OF MANIFESTATION, module one, the last like 6 minutes of that module brought me to tears. I'd been not giving myself enough grace & was called to watch this module this morning. I'm so glad I did. I got the message my spirit most definitely needed to hear and I felt so supported through this, when this weekend it was a little rough for me and I knew I needed to plug back in without being hard on myself about not having this on lock yet. I felt heard and supported by you and the universe through that module. Thank you so much for your channel and vessel Alexa, your work is so amazing. So much love"

"Day 17 of THE MONEY GAME & I have to give you some serious props. PS- Day 3 I synced up."

"After one week in THE MONEY GAME , if you apply these steps, you will see the results, so no need to worry about the rest."

"I can't thank you enough for your wisdom. I feel so understood and so empowered now."

"I’ve been loving THE MONEY GAME. Thank you!"

"Playing THE MONEY GAME my mindset has shifted and I realized how much I was limiting myself yet also had been allowing myself to tap into some of the higher frequencies prior to playing without even realizing!! I stopped allowing it to dictate my feelings. It no longer has a hold on me and I refuse to allow money to be on a pedal stool that makes me feel like it controls me."

"​Hello, I love THE MONEY GAME program so far!! Honestly, it's been a while since I felt whole, so kudos to you dear lady!!"

"I just signed up for MENTORSHIP!!! I'M SO EXCITED FOR THIS. I cried after submitting my payment, knowing I'm investing in myself feels so good. I deserve this. I'm so glad to be here and so grateful. I can't wait to start working with you!"

"LITERALLY!!! THE MONEY GAME is the best thing I've ever gotten into!"

"Joined THE MONEY GAME after listening & applying the knowledge last week. Top notch info!"

"I joined THE MONEY GAME after you suggested it on your live to deal with money relationship & I am so grateful that I did! Thank you"

"I have never understood quantum physics before taking QUANTUM."

"He literally just text me within minutes of doing this."

"I stumbled upon your TikTok content a few days later, and within 24 hours, I went from choosing to live with limited funds (change) to investing in your 30-day THE MONEY GAME program. Remarkably, within another 24 hours, I got accepted for a major art show due to a decision I made earlier to trust my intuition instead of demanding higher prices for my art."

"Your work is changing my life. THANK YOU"

"No one has ever explained HUMAN DESIGN the way that you have. I feel like I have a whole new perspective on life and I am so grateful for having this new tool."

"I've never met anyone who was able to streamline and tie together information like you can. Working with you in MENTORSHIP has been life changing."

"The way that you talked about my human design in our MASTERMIND gave me so much licensing to truly tune into my natural gifts."

"Alexa, your energy is captivating. Working with you in MENTORSHIP has been exactly what I  needed."

"You have completely changed my understanding of manifestation. I feel like I actually get it now!"

"Your HUMAN DESIGN programs have inspired me to start my own human design business. I finally feel like I know my purpose!"

"I keep investing into all of your programs because you teach like no one else and it speaks to my soul."

"You have truly changed my life. I cannot thank you enough for your MENTORSHIP."

"This works too damn well. He's obsessed with me and I can't get rid of him"

"She came running back. She's obsessed with me."

"Your programs are so helpful."

"Alexa is so knowledgeable. I've never met anyone like her. Her MENTORSHIP was a complete game changer for me & my life!"

"Alexa helped me in my business so much! I finally feel like I know how to build a business that aligns with my soul."

"I had never heard of HUMAN DESIGN before I met, Alexa. Now I won't be able to live my life without it."

"I just had a HUMAN DESIGN READING with Alexa and it was the best investment ever!"

"Girl, the way that you have helped me in MENTORSHIP is beyond words."

"Before working with Alexa, I struggled with manifestation and understanding everyone is you pushed out. And now I realize that it never made sense to me. Now I can spend my time actually learning how to manifest."

"The level of shadow work that Alexa and I did together in MENTORSHIP has completely changed me as a person."

"Your teachings have allowed me to tap into my highest self."

"I've never felt more empowered after working with you."

"GIRL THANK YOU! Being in this MASTERMIND has brought back the passion that I have for my business. I feel like a totally new person."

"​Thank you so much! The MENTORSHIP session really helped me get out of my spiraling!"

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