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play the game for 30 days to manifest money

Have you been wanting to learn how to manifest money with ease?


Are you sick of saying all of the wealth affirmations, but not feeling differently when it comes to money?


In order to manifest money - you need to change your behaviors, emotions and beliefs.

When you know how to do this, you manifest money easily and consistently.

Traditional money teachings only focus on money mindset. They don't talk about how to change your relationship with money. They don't teach you how to change the way you feel about money. They don't teach you how to spend, invest and receive money in a different energy.

After spending over a decade reading every money book, taking every money program, working with various money coaches - I felt even more frustrated and defeated because I knew all of the money mindset work, but I still felt unsafe having, spending and receiving money.

Money mindset is only one piece of the puzzle.

Healing your relationship with money requires a holistic approach.

And that is why my students who take this program experience insane shifts with money quickly because I cut through all of the bullshit.

This program doesn't give you any wealth affirmations. It gives you real life, practical teachings that will actually change how you think, feel and speak about money now.

The truth is that money gets to be safe, reliable and consistent resource that exists to support you in living life on your own terms.

But the only way for this to be true for you is for you to regulate your nervous system and change your behaviors with money.

It's time for you to tap into your wealthiest timeline.

Over the next 30 days, we're going to focus on your identity, your emotional intelligence, your behaviors and your personal power in relation to money.

You will not be the same after even just a few days of doing this work.

I say this because normally by day 3, the changes are not only felt, money is manifested.


​Don't just take my word for it! Look at what previous students have said.

what students are saying:

I joined on Wednesday and already feel like a brand new person!!

I got an unexpected $4000 check in the mail!!

Day 6, started with 0, ended up with $550 for the day.


Money game is awesome 🔥🔥🔥


The visualization on day 2 is worth the entire investment. It made me cry. It was so beautiful.


I'm loving this game so much!


This was the best purchase I've ever made.


I've already learned so much. I'm so excited for the rest of these 30 days!!


I've already put your teachings to the test and sold my neighbors

RV for them in one day making myself $500.00! I know your teaching work as they just did for me.

You told me to join the money game after explaining how I was feeling about money and I am so glad that I did!

I’ve been loving the money game. Thank you!

My mindset has shifted and I realized how much I was limiting myself yet also had been allowing myself to tap into some of the higher frequencies prior to playing without even realizing!!


I stopped allowing it to dictate my feelings. It no longer has a hold on me and I refuse to allow money to be on a pedal stool that makes me feel like it controls me. and ALSO starting picking up on the lack towards it in so many other family members and friends lives… that part I’m adjusting to and reminding myself to observe not absorb and not let external energy to have an effect on mine & my mindset!!

I know I keep saying this but the money game has changed my life. I’m no longer nervous to look at bills, spend money or look at prices!

On day 3, I manifested an increase in my social security disability payment!

the details + format:

THE MONEY GAME consists of 30 days of audio recordings that are dropped daily. Each day, there is also a practical exercise for you to implement the teachings.

It comes with the e-book of THE MONEY GAME for you to download.

It comes with a future self visualization + money empowerment meditation.

You also get access to a money sleep track to play at night.

You get lifetime access to this program upon joining.

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